Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Looking for Freedom through the Cage.

Life to me is search of Mosha, absolute Freedom. My life alter in its philosophy and action. I want freedom and my destiny is death where i can get full liberation, away from materialistic world, no cage, no roles, no responsibility, no love, no hatred, no gain, no earn but i'm afraid of it. I afraid when wind blows over me, death is far more to go. Is it the same with everyone or it just me who is looking for full freedom. Here I'm trying to reflect human life and their struggle through this dog on picture. Human life start with full freedom and end-up in four wall caged. In first picture, dog is alone-free without any chain. It is free to bark, run, drink, eat..whatever it want. In second picture, it is just above the ground and surround slightly by three side. Owner of its has expectation from it. It is living the life of responsibilities. Moreover, in third picture, It is chained at neck. It is forced to roam around only the distance of chain. It can't move according to its wish and desire. On last picture, It is totally caged inside metal frame, it is no more living its own life. It is living for its master. Life is very mysterious, we happy move from freedom to caged. 

My childhood days, when there was no boundaries for me.
I was free like cloud in sky, moving here and there. Enjoying the
whole world though my own view and sight. I was never caged. No one
ask me anything, no one order me anything, no one had hope from me, I had no one
to live for.
Hey, cloud here comes the mountain. You got stuck over here.
So I'm. As i grew up, people started looking me from different
angle. They started murmuring with themselves about my future.
Some see me as Doctor, some as engineer, some as Pilot. Different
people had different image of mine in their mind. They never thought
of my interest and my life. I am caged with the people expectation on me.
The cloud is no more cloud, its mass of water droplets waiting to fall. Waiting  for
me to admit. 
Moving Cloud got struck into mountain. And change its form
as water, drops-drops-and drops. Sorry, I'm changed, I'm not the
same which you saw me before. Now not only my parents & relatives,
teachers, friends, love-mate started expecting from me. My roles has increased.
I'm not alone now. People tied my hands and asking me to do handful of works. My
happiness is not mine. I'm enjoying for someone else. I'm enjoying as Son of parents,  boy
of my girl, students of teacher, friend of friends. Am I really happy, Does this happiness count
for me. I'm confused. I'm surround with responsibilities and duties. I'm caged. I can move but not far as i want.

Here comes me, as the water of ocean. Free moving cloud ended
with the still water. Here we are, we human being and so I'm. I'm totally
caged with my selfish desire, materialistic world, love, hatred, gain and loss.
I can't breathe the air of mine because I'm living for else. I can't see dream of mine because
I'm  fulfilling dream of else. I can't see of mine, I have become sight for else. Here I'm with  pain,
hatred for myself. I'm no more I. Parents, Wife, Children, Relatives, Friends,  and Society has expectation from me.
They want me to do for them and be happy for them. This is what i lived for.This is what i called myself as the living being with dead soul.